InventHelp - How to Patent an Invention Idea


How can I get a InventHelp Patentpatent?


The patenting process can vary from one inventor to the next, InventHelp but the typical process looks like this, according to the United States Patent & Trademark Office.


Determine the type of InventHelp Inventionsintellectual property protection that you need.


Search to see InventHelp Ideaif your invention has already been publically disclosed.


If you are not experienced at performing patent searches, a registered attorney or agent is recommended.


It is possible, though difficult, InventHelp Invention Ideas  for you to conduct your own search. Determine what kind of patent you need.


There are three types of patents – utility, InventHelp Innovationdesign, and plant. Get ready to apply. This includes paying your application fees, determining if you want to file a provisional or nonprovisional application, and deciding if you want to hire a patent attorney or agent.


Prepare and submit your initial application. InventHelp TechnologyWork with your examiner. Receive your approval If the examiner determines that your application is in satisfactory condition and meets the requirements, InventHelp Inventorsyou will receive a notice of allowance.


Maintain your patent. InventHelp StartupsThere are fees and processes to maintain your patent.
